What is a vulnerable client?

A vulnerable client is someone who, due to their personal circumstances, is especially susceptible to harm. Vulnerability may impact someone’s ability to engage with financial services and/or impede their judgement. All clients are at risk of becoming vulnerable dependent on their circumstances.

What factors can contribute to vulnerability?

A number of different factors could contribute to a person becoming vulnerable. Four key drivers of vulnerability are:

  • Health – health conditions or illnesses that affect someone’s ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. Addiction-related conditions such as gambling or compulsive behaviours.
  • Life events – life events such as bereavement, job loss or relationship breakdown.
  • Resilience – low ability to withstand financial or emotional shocks.
  • Capability – low knowledge of financial matters or low confidence in managing money (financial capability). Low capability in other relevant areas such as literacy, or digital skills.

For 4T Markets, it’s essential that we provide the appropriate level of care to our clients. As we understand that sometimes things can happen in life which are out of your control and can affect your personal circumstances, wellbeing or the way that you trade.

We are invested in our clients’ wellbeing and want to know if we can support you in a more effective way, so we encourage you to disclose any relevant information about your personal circumstances.

You can get in contact either by filling out the below form or via any of our other communication channels. Any information provided will be kept in strictest confidence and used as set out in our privacy policy.


Risk of being vulnerable

Life events

You retire

You suffer a bereavement

Your relationship has broken down

You are a victim of domestic abuse

Your trading behaviour

You have noticed an increase in your trading activity to a level you don’t feel comfortable with

You are concerned about how much you think about trading e.g., fixating on bad outcomes, anxiety over open positions

You are aware that your trading habits are unhealthy, e.g., placing impulsive trades, risking money you can’t afford to lose

Your financial situation

A change in income e.g., you have lost your job, are between jobs

You have incurred unforeseen expenses

You have long-term debt issues

You are struggling due to higher living costs e.g., short term winter energy price rises

You are having difficulties with unanticipated rises in monthly living expenses e.g., mortgage rates, travel costs, food prices

Your physical and mental health

Physical disability

Long-term illness

You suffer from addiction e.g., gambling, alcohol

A mental health condition

Impact of being vulnerable

At 4T Markets, vulnerability refers to any trading behaviour that might put your financial, physical, or mental health at risk. Within the context of a trading portfolio, that might mean:

  • Losing more money than you can afford to lose
  • Placing impulsive or compulsive trades without considering the potential implications on your overall financial position
  • Using money earmarked for household expenses to fund trades
  • Foregoing normal activities like sleeping or spending time with loved ones to trade
  • Neglecting work or family responsibilities to trade
  • Compulsively monitoring trades even when it’s not appropriate to do so
  • Fixating on bad trading decisions
  • Negative or harmful self-talk related to bad trading outcomes
  • Using medications or substances to cope with the stress of trading
  • Suicidal tendencies when trades lose money

It is possible that you don’t require additional support for years and then, gradually or suddenly, you may be affected in any of the above areas. As it can often be difficult to judge, you might want to be asking yourself some of these questions when deciding whether you want to get in touch.

Getting Support

The products we offer are complex and high-risk so it’s important you fully understand how they work before you start trading and throughout your relationship with us.

We have a range of free educational videos in our Trading Academy and different tools which can help you manage your account. If you’re just getting started, you can open a free demo account to improve your understanding. If you have an account but are reconsidering whether you fully understand the products, please get in touch.

You may want to seek further advice and support. Some professional resources which you may find useful are listed below:

Addiction Help




Your mental health



Financial Support

Citizens Advice

Step Change

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